Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Windows 7 can wait!

I have been very impressed by the rave reviews I’ve been hearing for the Beta of Windows 7. Unfortunately, reviews and reality are two seperate things. I was quick to join the beta program when it became publicly availible because I was excited to try out the “Vista that works”. After trying a few times, with some aggrivation I got it installed. It was late so I let the install finnish while I went home to bed. The next morning I launched the beautifull new Windows 7. After clicking through several nags for not having an antivirus, and permission for my Amazon Unbox app (I had to do this every time I boot about 6 times before it quits popping up) I finally lauch my first application. I use a Promethean Digital Whiteboard and I started up the software for the first lesson. It started great! I opened the slide show for the Mornings lesson and it came write up. I clicked on the X to get rid of the splash screen, and my screen went black. This does not look good, then I notice that my machine is rebooting. I have had a few crashes in my day. Sometimes when a machine gets a virus attack it will get overloaded and crash. Sometimes there are hardware malfunctions or the processor overheats and it will immediately shut down. This is the first time I’ve been running a program where it is perfectly reproducable every time. I must have this application as part of what I do, so I realized that I needed to downgrade back to Vista. I decided to do somthing productive on 7 before I bailed ship, so I launched IE 8 to make this post on Ed Tech Review. When I tried to log into the admin, IE 8 Beta also crashed. To be fair both applications are Beta and as such you can expect problems, but, I personally don’t have the time to play when two of the applications I use most consistantly crash my machine. I put Vista on the machine about two weeks before I tried the upgrade and it seemed to be working fine, but it looks like I will be waiting for Version 7 sp1 before my other XP machines will see an upgrade.

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